Latest News
Auto-enrolment thresholds frozen again
Each year, the government reviews the level of earnings at which employers must include their employees in statutory pension schemes. What’s the story for 2022/23?
HMRC increases late payment interest again
HMRC has increased the rate of late payment interest for the second time in two months. In light of the reprieve for late filing penalties, do people need to worry?
Criticism of Finance Bill leads to amended basis period transitional rules
From April 2024, sole traders and partners will be taxed based on the profits earned during the tax year, as opposed to the profits for the basis period ending during the tax year. The draft rules were initially criticised, so an amendment has been made. What’s the full story?
Working from home: are the tax breaks being axed in April?
As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the government relaxed the rules regarding claiming relief for working from home back in 2020. This relaxation ends in April 2022, so what will the position be after that?
Taxpayer denied £80k SDLT relief
The Upper Tribunal has dismissed an appeal on the availability of Multiple Dwellings Relief worth £80,000 on a high value property in London. Why didn’t it qualify?
HMRC's new P11D filing system
Many smaller businesses use HMRC’s interactive PDF to file their P11D forms each year. However, this won’t be available for the 2021/22 year onwards. If that includes you, how will you report your figures in the future?